Quick and Easy Tips for Busy Sports Moms: Keeping Gear Clean Without Clogging Drains

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Being a sports parent is not easy, avoid plumbing problems when cleaning your kids’ gear.


As a sports mom or dad, you’re no stranger to the challenges of keeping your child’s sports gear clean and game-ready. From muddy cleats to sweaty shin guards, it seems like a never-ending battle. But did you know that cleaning sports gear in your bathtub or sink can lead to plumbing issues down the line? Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered with two time-saving tips that involve using a bucket or plastic storage container to keep your plumbing in check while maintaining pristine gear.

1. The Bucket Soak Method:

  • Step 1:** Get a sturdy, large bucket with a lid. This will be your designated gear-cleaning bucket, so make sure it’s big enough to hold the items you need to clean.
  • Step 2:** Fill the bucket with warm, soapy water. Use a mild detergent that’s safe for the materials of your sports gear. A mix of warm water and detergent works wonders in breaking down dirt, grime, and odors.
  • Step 3:** Add the dirty gear to the bucket. Cleats, shin guards, and other gear can go right in. Make sure everything is fully submerged in the soapy water.
  • Step 4:** Secure the lid on the bucket and give it a good shake. This helps agitate the water and dislodge dirt and debris from the gear.
  • Step 5:** Let the gear soak for about 15-30 minutes, depending on how dirty it is. Use this time to catch up on other tasks or just take a well-deserved break.
  • Step 6:** After soaking, remove the gear and rinse it thoroughly with clean water. Use a hose or a sink with a strainer to prevent any debris from going down the drain.

2. The Plastic Storage Container Trick:

  • Step 1:** Grab a plastic storage container with a lid that’s large enough to accommodate your gear.
  • Step 2:** Place the dirty gear inside the container. Make sure everything fits comfortably.
  • Step 3:** Sprinkle baking soda liberally over the gear. Baking soda is a natural deodorizer and can help combat funky odors.
  • Step 4:** Put the lid on the container and give it a good shake to distribute the baking soda and agitate the gear.
  • Step 5:** Let the gear sit in the container for 15-30 minutes. During this time, the baking soda will work its magic in neutralizing odors and loosening dirt.
  • Step 6:** Remove the gear and rinse it thoroughly with clean water. Again, use a hose or a sink with a strainer to prevent debris from going down the drain.

By using these bucket and plastic storage container methods, you can efficiently clean your child’s sports gear without risking plumbing issues. Plus, it’s a great way to multitask while ensuring your young athlete has fresh, game-ready equipment. So, go ahead and tackle those muddy cleats and sweaty shin guards like the super sports parent you are!



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